
About Library and Information Science Centre
SAC College Library is a Gateway to our Collections. The Staff and students have easy access to our resources like: Books, Magazines, Journals and e-Resources.
College Library Build in 2075sft. It is in first flour of the college building. Library has Stock area, Circulation section, Reference section, Reading area & Digital library.
Books are arranged and organized subject wise. Journals are displayed subject wise. Reference books are kept separately in the reference section.
Ø It tends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user-friendly approach towards accessing e-resources by students and faculty.
Ø To support students and faculty for their academic and professional growth by providing well equipped library collection and services.
Ø Build collections and create tools to support learning, teaching and research.
Ø Serve as a Learning Resource Centre and develop a comprehensive collection of resources.
- To transform a non-reader into a reader, a non- user to a user .
- To unite books and readers together.
- To inform the reader of all the facilities offered by the library by Orientation Programme.
- To introduce ICT tools in library Functions and Services.
Library Facilities:
Library Access
- The Library has a good Collection of Books and Journals, arranged subject wise. This arrangement has helped in the organization of information in a systematic way and has helped users to locate books easily and quickly.
- The Library provides open access facilities which help easy access and use of library as a Learning Resource.
The students can borrow books with the help of library identity number
Library Collections
Library E-Resources
Library Services
- Borrowing and circulation
- Reference Service/ Referral service
- SC/ST Book Bank
- News Paper Clipping Service
- Browsing
- Guideline
- Service for people with Disability.
- News and Announcement
- Wi-Fi internet service
- Question Bank Service
- Special reference Books for Competitive Exams ( Sparda Vijeta, UGC/SLET, IAS. KAS, SDA, FDA, Railways, Banking and other exams)
- Swayam Central ( MOOC)
INFLIBNET Resources |
Online Resources |
Digital Libraries |
Open Access Books |
Kannada E-Resources |
E-NEWS PAPERS and E-Magazines |
Library Faculty

Sri N.T. Vijaykumar
Asst. Librarian
Qualification : M.Lib.,